Good afternoon TMSA Families, August 18, 2024
This is Mrs. Burke with your updates for the week ahead where everyone has genius and is a leader! We had an awesome first week! Thank you so much and look forward to great things happening here. Here are your updates for the week ahead…
- MAP Fall testing will take place this week for all K-5 students.
- Drop off and pick up is getting better and better. Thank you for your patience, cooperation and for choosing TMSA!
- Early drop off is from 7-7:15am. Regular drop off is 715-7:45am. Classes begin at 7:45am.
- We are a right turn in and right turn out campus. Please refrain from turning left. This provide a smooth and safe drop off and pick up.
- Students are assigned carline numbers and they should memorize their carline number. If you did not receive yours, please let us know and we will send it home with your child.
- Carline numbers need to be up until you exit the campus. This helps expedite and be informed with which student is in the car.
- Please remain in your car as you go through the carline and know that we have plenty Staff is there to assist those that need help getting out.
- Students must exit from the left side of the vehicles and ready to get out.
- Encourage your student to leave the building quickly and to not wait for someone to open their door. (child locks we will assist)
- If you are in need of afterschool providers, we can send the list to you. These are not affiliated with TMSA but offer service to families that attend.
- We will have on site afterschool very soon. A survey went out for interest. We need 60-70 to attend in order for it to work out. More info coming soon! J
- To accommodate any last-minute preparations, we will be allowing a two-week grace period for full uniform compliance. Students will have until August 26th to be in complete uniform, including polo shirts with the TMSA logo.Be sure your child’s teacher knows how your student will go home.
***Please be patient during drop off and pick up. It takes about two weeks for things to settle down with all the new kindergarten families (120) and all new families.
Important dates:
August 19 – 23 – MAP Testing K-5
August 26 - Deadline for uniform compliance
September 2 Labor Day No School
If you have any questions you may reach out to us at [email protected]
Those are your updates! Thank you and let’s make it a great first week! Gooooooo Tigers!
Mrs. Burke
TMSA Triad Elementary Principal